• Key words: Principled, purposeful, self-controlled & perfectionistic
  • Blind spot: Tendency to be critical towards others
Reformers are known to be the principled, rational and orderly type. Their style is likely to be formal, correct, and polite. They focus on rules, procedures and making sure that they are always doing the “right thing.” They have a strong dislike for sloppiness and error. Emotional restraint and attempts to control their impulsive behavior are hallmarks of the Reformer.

Style 1 Reformers are driven to do the right thing and are often conformists, rather than being out in front forging new paths. They follow the rules and expect others to do the same. Ones are concerned with maintaining quality and high standards. They focus on details and like to improve and streamline procedures. Quality work and output is required, and they set very high standards for both themselves and others. They are often good at coaching others on how to improve themselves, be more efficient, and doing things the correct way.

Reformers tend to be somewhat risk-adverse. They are afraid to make mistakes or be judged by others and will strive to achieve unattainable standards of perfection. They dislike waste and sloppiness, but can deteriorate into micromanagement and constant, demoralizing criticism of others. This can slow down the organisation and stifle creativity. They will exhaust themselves in the process.

Often unaware unaware of their tendency to be critical and its affect on their relationships may be their downfall. They are on a mission to set the world straight. Their attempt to do so comes across as criticism and nagging. Ones believe that they know how things should be and feel that they have an obligation to fix the flaws in their environment. They feel that they are only trying to be helpful and are surprised when others interpret their comments as criticism.

Reformers inspire through their integrity and standards of quality, and by taking responsibility for their actions. They are the type of administrator who is known to be fair and ethical, a model of clear logic and appropriate behaviour.